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 All HCPL locations are closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Library News

Did You Know: Genealogy Resources at the Library

Have you been wanting to trace your family’s history? Getting started can be a daunting process, and with the recent release of 1950s census data, there is more information to uncover than ever! But did you know that your library card gives you free access to genealogy resources? From databases, to books, to helpful guides, there are numerous tools to make the process more approachable.

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Spooky Reads for the Whole Family

Fall is officially here, and with darker nights and brisker air upon us, it’s no wonder that many of us seek something equally chilling to read or watch. This season, look no further than the library for all of your spooky needs. From slightly spooky to nightmare-worthy, find the perfect, frightening fit for everyone in the family.

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Active Aging Week

In 2003, the International Council on Active Aging initiated the first Active Aging Week. Typically held in early October, the week-long campaign encourages the concept of positive aging. In observation of Active Aging Week, the Library will be hosting a number of events this fall. Read on to learn more about upcoming programs as well as additional local and Library resources that promote the benefits of active living and aging.

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Did You Know: Computer & Digital Media Classes

Did you know that our Area Libraries offer a variety of computer and digital media classes that are completely free to library cardholders? Whether you need the basics or want to learn more advanced skills and software, we have resources to support you in your personal and professional development. Read on to learn more about our offerings. 

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Banned Books Week 2022

It's Banned Books Week (9/18-9/24)! Typically held during the last week in September, this annual event, now in its 40th year, celebrates the freedom to read. Each year the American Library Association tracks which titles have been most targeted for removal or restriction in libraries and schools. In the spirit of this year’s theme, “Books Unite Us. Censorship Divides Us,” we encourage you to read on and explore the titles on this year’s Most Challenged list.

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Classic Spin-Offs

Most of us have heard the old adage, “there are two sides to every story.” The saying encourages us to consider multiple perspectives. As readers, viewing the stories we love through different lenses can open up entirely new worlds! It can be fun to ask ourselves: is there another side to this story?

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Hispanic Heritage Month: Upcoming Programs

September 15 marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month! To celebrate, the Library will be offering several programs. Join us for speakers, performances, film screenings, book discussions, and more as we celebrate Latinx history and culture! Read on to learn more about upcoming programs and recommended titles from our Collection.

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Did You Know: Family Resources at the Library

In addition to books, programs, and Storytimes, the Library offers a variety of materials and resources for families. Whether you’re a new parent, in a household with teens, or the caregiver to an elder adult (or all of the above), the Library offers resources for everyone in the family! Read on to learn more.

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Sandston Branch Library is Getting a Fresh Look!

UPDATE:  We are pleased to announce the Sandston Branch Library will reopen on Wednesday, November 30. We hope you will join us for an Open House to celebrate the updated facility, which will begin with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 10 a.m., followed by activities throughout the day. Learn more

Starting September 12, the Sandston Branch Library will be closed for a refresh project.

We will be installing modern, bright, accessible A-frame shelving that will enable face-out displays to highlight book cover art and transform the browsing and wayfinding experience at the library.  In meeting spaces and common areas, you will find new A/V equipment, all new carpet, and a fresh coat of paint.  Outside the library, new environmentally friendly plantings will be added to the landscape.

Whether you are viewing the exterior, browsing books, reading out on the floor, or attending storytime and other programs, your experience will be significantly upgraded.

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