Romeo and Juliet. Heloise and Abelard. Anna Karenina and Vronsky. Some of the most stirring romances in history and fiction walk the tightrope between tradition and modernity, duty and passion, family and society, self and other. These fantastic romances ask the question: can you be remain connected to your family AND follow your heart? Keep reading to find your next romantic read.
Gardening for Well-Being
Spring is here, which for many people means gardening! Gardening offers benefits not only for people and communities but for the earth, animals, and insects, too. Gardening can mean much more than just reaping a harvest; it can provide health and well-being for everyone and everything involved! Explore the following titles to learn more about the positive impacts of gardening.
International Cookbooks to Refresh Your Table
The arrival of spring brings a refreshing feeling of renewal, inspiring more than just a traditional spring cleaning. With new warmth and new life blooming outside, invite new and exciting dishes into your home during mealtimes with some of our favorite international cookbooks.
Create Your Own Costumes!
Bridgerton made quite a splash this winter with its colorful interpretations of Regency dress! Costuming and cosplay, inspired by books, television shows, movies, or even a fantastic podcast, are fun ways to enjoy your favorite media, interact with other fans, and exercise your creativity. We’ve pulled together a list of some of our favorite resources to help you create the costume of your dreams.
Listen, Learn, and Limber Up
Picture books are more than colorful images paired with words. Great picture books insist that the reader and the listener actively play and talk. Learning is made dynamic when you add dancing, imagination, and verbal responses. Movement makes literacy fun!
Espionage Old & New
People are fascinated spy fiction and non-fiction for many reasons. Some are taken with the notion that there are comprehensible, coordinated plots that affect world events. Others enjoy learning about how mixed motivations, conflicting interests, and human error conspire to produce outcomes no one could predict. Still others like the spy tale as a container for a study of human personalities and morality. Here are some riveting spy novels for every reader.
Audiobooks for Tweens
One of our favorite ways to experience books is to listen to them. Audiobooks allow a full, immersive experience with different voices for characters, multiple narrators, sound effects, the works! You can customize listening speed, listen on the go, and find narrators you enjoy, who inspire you to keep listening. Some wonderful audiobooks happen to be for the tween crowd. These audiobooks are targeted at ages 8-12 and include adventure, fantasy, ghost stories and more. Read on for our picks – all of which are available through our digital collections for easy streaming.
Celebrate A Month Full of Holidays in February with Great Teen Books!
Life is a party – or at least, it can be if you know what to celebrate! Make this February a little more festive and fun by learning about the special holidays and observances occurring this month. Once you have your calendar marked, finish off your preparations by matching the happenings of the month with great books from our library collection. Pull out your calendar, and get started with this quick guide.
Jump Start Your New Year
Another year is upon us and with each new year is a new beginning. It’s a time to hit the reset button on our lives, be it for personal improvement, fitness, or professional development. As you make your New Year’s resolutions, you can utilize our collection for resources to aid in keeping your 2021 goals.