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 All HCPL locations are closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Library News

HCPL Named 4-Star Library

HCPL was recognized as a 4-Star Library by Library Journal as part of their America’s Star Libraries in 2019. We were one of eleven libraries of our population size to be awarded four stars, and one of two in Virginia.

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Dig in to Sourdough

Sourdough by Robin Sloan inspires many questions about food, what makes a life fulfilling, and the role of technology in our lives. Explore these topics at one of our upcoming programs based on the novel, and be sure to join us on April 2 at 7:00 pm at Glen Allen High School for an evening with the author.

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Complete the 2020 Census

Every ten years, the U.S. Census aims to count each and every person living in the nation, including right here in Henrico County. The collected data helps to determine things like the number of seats Virginia has in the House of Representatives, and how to distribute $675 billion in federal funds to communities like ours. The Library is providing information about the census and assistance filling out the online form starting this month.

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Cooking with Kids

One of our most basic human activities is eating, and children are just as interested in food as adults are. During the winter months when families are stuck inside, our interests frequently turn to food and the joys of sitting around a table together. Parents can use this time to teach math skills, science, culture, and the art of feeding yourself all using the kitchen.

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Bake Your Own Sourdough and Breads

In our All Henrico Reads featured novel Sourdough, the gift of a sourdough starter jump starts Lois’s foray into baking, giving her a new outlook on life. Rejuvenate your relationship with food by baking your own bread! Baking can be a fount of creativity, as well as a delicious form of stress-relief. Our baking collection will help you put that oven to good use!

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Make a Difference on the Teen Advisory Board

Our Teen Advisory Boards are an awesome way for teens to develop leadership skills and help the library at the same time. They promote library services, develop programs for families with librarians, give input on teen collection, run annual charity drives, and create youth-led service projects. Read on to learn about the exciting projects we’ve done in the past!

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Join the Friends of the Library

The Friends of Henrico County Public Library support library programs and services, and are the primary sponsors of All Henrico Reads, our annual author event (coming up April 2 with author Robin Sloan!). The Friends support Summer Reading, host author visits and book signings, purchase book sets for book discussion groups, assist the library with grant-funded programs, provide toys for young people to learn through play at the library, and raise funds to support these and other activities. Friends make the library a better place. If you love the library, consider joining the Friends!

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Black History Month Events at the Library

During Black History Month, we recognize the enormous cultural contributions and civil rights achievements of African Americans. We are offering a wide array of events for adults, children, and teens including a presentation by the Petersburg Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, performances by Bright Star Theater, and a lecture on African American Art from the VMFA.

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Revisit the Founding Era in February and March

This February and March we are hosting programs across the county that explore Founding Era history through primary source documents, with the goal of bringing the community together in dialogue about social issues that persist to this day. The series will reexamine the early history of the United States focusing on the experiences of people of color.

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