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Library News

Announcing the Winners of our #OneHenrico Summer Reading Challenge!

Summer Reading finished on August 15, and while we are sad it is over, we hope you enjoyed the challenge as much as we did! It was great to see your reviews, connect with you on social media, and read lots of amazing books.

Novels in Translation

Escape the late summer doldrums by reading some great books in translation. Reading books originally written in other languages can provide insight to experiences that were previously unavailable to English speaking readers. Explore the wide world of literature with these excellent translated works.

Two Weeks Left in Our Summer Reading Challenge!

There are less than two weeks left for our Summer Reading program, the One Henrico Reading Challenge. If you haven’t already signed up, it isn’t too late! Simply visit and get started on a bunch of reading fun. If you’ve already completed your reading challenge, prize books are currently available in limited quantities at our Fairfield, Libbie Mill, Tuckahoe, Twin Hickory, and Varina libraries.

Magical Worlds

As a genre, fantasy has a little something for everyone… urban fantasy for a grittier experience, high fantasy for purists, portal fantasy for the adventurous, and more. In times of stress, fantasy can capture your attention, allowing you to escape into the story. From sentient cities to time traveling romance to magically enhanced Kung Fu, the titles below are a diverse offering of delights for adult readers.

Best Albums of the 1970s

Rock & Roll evolved as a genre in the United States between the late 1940s and 50s. The genre blended rhythm and blues, boogie woogie, and gospel, among other musical styles. Some of the best rock albums were released in the 1970s when new engineering techniques and recording studios became ubiquitous, and some of the greatest rock and rock-related albums of that decade are available on Hoopla to stream with your library card! This is a list of ten incredible albums that integrate elements of rock music throughout their wax.

¡Mira nuestros libros en español!/Check Out Our Spanish Language Books!

Con cada año que pasa, el idioma español crece en importancia dentro de los Estados Unidos. Según un informe del censo de los Estados Unidos de 2015, unos 37 millones de hispanohablantes residen en el país y en Virginia, esos números son casi 600,000 mil. Además, muchas personas toman clases de español para mejorar su comprensión del idioma y la cultura. Ya sea que se trate de un hablante nativo o un estudiante del idioma, la Biblioteca Pública del Condado de Henrico ofrece muchos recursos para quienes deseen materiales en español.

Taking Care of Yourself

It’s hard to maintain balance in your life when you are experiencing stress and anxiety, but that is often when it is most important to take the time to care for yourself. Whether you are looking for a little inspiration, some sage advice on achieving inner peace, or a step-by-step guide to self-care practices, we have books that can help.

LGBTQIA+ Memoirs

June is Pride Month, and in celebration, we wanted to share some of our favorite memoirs and autobiographies from the LGBTQIA+ community. Reading about other people’s experiences can help us make connections and build empathy. The authors featured here come from a wide variety of backgrounds and lead different lives with unique experiences, occupations, and perspectives.

Black Lives in Literature: a Juneteenth Reading List

Juneteenth celebrates the end of the institution of slavery in the United States, commemorating the date a Union general issued an order to free all enslaved persons in Texas on June 19, 1865. If you are interested in celebrating Black lives this Juneteenth through literature, we have created a list of excellent Black authors for adults and young adults, whose work you can explore free at the library. If you are interested in learning more about anti-racism, we have also included a list of recommended resources. We hope you all find a way to celebrate and contemplate this Juneteenth, and because we know reading has the power to change the world, we hope that this literature will inspire you.