Short Story Day always takes place on the shortest day of the year (of course!). This year it falls on December 21st. Why celebrate short stories? According to Edgar Allen Poe, they leave the reader with “a sense of the fullest satisfaction.”
Famous Foods and How to Cook Them
Ever wondered what a Krusty Burger tastes like? What about Buddy the Elf’s Breakfast Pasta?
Luckily for our taste buds, creative chefs have compiled, created, and in some cases re-created, recipe collections of famous foods from cinema and television. From The Simpsons’ fast food to Downton Abbey feasts, from Hogwarts feast hall to The Sopranos’ New Jersey family table, our library cookbook collection has titles for any fan’s delectation.
DIY in the Digital Media Lab
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) gifting is a creative alternative for those wishing to avoid the hassle of crowds and online shopping this holiday season. Should you opt for a more hand-made holiday, be sure to check out our Digital Media Lab resources for project ideas and support!
Book to Movie Adaptations
Whether you’re ready to visit the theatre or love watching from your couch, there are television and movie adaptations of some of our favorite titles to look forward to this fall and into 2022. Despite some productions being delayed, it’s never too early to start keeping tabs and looking for news to build up the anticipation. Take a look at just some of the options below, and make sure to check out their book counterparts at any Henrico library location!
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
It has been said that everyone has one novel in them. National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, has been helping that notion become a reality since 1999. It is a simple challenge put forth for any and all to participate: write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Every November, NaNoWriMo gives aspiring authors the opportunity to find that novel within themselves by providing structure, community, and encouragement to reach their creative goals. It’s an inspiring and positive month for writers of all ages. Whether you are penning the next gripping bestseller, or crafting a literary opus, November is a great motivational opportunity!
Botanical Musings
Many of us are familiar with Robert Frost as a poet who uses nature as the setting and focus of much of his writing. His poem “A Late Walk” is rich with images of autumn. Frost describes the seasonal transformation of the landscape in the mown field, the covered path, the tangled garden, the sad whir of birds, and the bare trees. The last stanza portrays both memories of the season gone and hope for future seasons that are held in “the faded blue, Of the last remaining aster flower.” Why did Frost choose an aster? Why did he feel such a strong association between the aster and the changing of the seasons? What is so special about this little blue flower?
What to Read for Disability Employment Awareness Month
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, in which we celebrate the contributions of the disabled community to our workforce and the economy. As noted on the Department of Labor’s website, 2021’s theme is “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion.” One way we can encourage more community involvement and inclusion in the workforce is to read more from self-advocates who are leading the cause in their fields. Read on for some of our recommendations of books to get better acquainted with the disability community.
Hispanic Heritage Month at HCPL
In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Assistant Library Manager at Varina Library and chair of the HCPL IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism) committee Cristina Ramirez has penned a special guest contribution to our blog. Please read on to discover how you can learn more about Latinx culture and history and the library, and how members of the Latinx community can engage with library resources.
Ready, set, roll … it's a critical hit!
Do you ever wish you were a character between the covers of your favorite fantasy book, ready to venture forth to experience swords and sorcery firsthand? With Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), one of the world's most popular tabletop role-playing games, you have that chance! Read on for more information about D&D and how to play along at the library, plus some recommended books for beginners and long-time fans of the game!