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Library News

Explore a Universe of Stories with Henrico County Public Library!


This summer, we’d like to challenge you to explore the farthest reaches of your imagination with us at the Library. Our 2019 Summer Reading challenge, A Universe of Stories, makes it easier than ever to earn rewards for indulging your curiosity. The challenge launches June 3 and runs through August 31. This year, you can customize your experience by earning badges for a mix of reading and other learning activities, like attending library programs and getting out in the community. 

Beginning Monday, June 3, you can visit to create an account, or stop by the library to pick up a paper log, pencil, bookmark, and your choice of an enamel pin or balsa glider when you sign up. Once you sign up online, you will be entered into drawings for $25 gift cards to major retailers like Barnes & Noble, Target, Regal Cinemas, and more. Please ask library staff for assistance if you need help joining.

When you reach your goal, you will win a free book, and earn a ticket you can use online to enter into the Grand Prize drawing of your choice. Prizes and Grand Prizes are provided thanks to the generosity of the Friends of Henrico County Public Library.

The Grand Prizes:

  • Oculus Go Standalone Virtual Reality Headset
  • Kano Coding Kit (comes with Kano Computer Kit Touch and Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit)
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Orion StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector Telescope

Pre-Readers will be automatically entered to win a Duplo Creative Box.

For more details about how to explore a Universe of Stories at the Library this summer, you can ask a librarian or visit starting June 3!

If you’re curious about programs you can attend to earn badges, here’s a list of some of the exciting events we have this summer:

Animal Encounters: Nocturnal Critters

Monday, June 3, 10:30 am – Fairfield Library

Tuesday, June 4, 10:30 am – Libbie Mill Library

Wednesday, June 5, 10:30 am – Twin Hickory Library

Thursday, June 6, 10:30 am – Varina Library

Monday, June 10, 10:30 am – Tuckahoe Library

Not all animals go to sleep when the sun goes down. Get ready for A Universe of Stories, our Summer Reading under the stars, with Maymont’s Nature Center staff and their nocturnal animal ambassadors! Best for ages 4-6.

Bobby Cadabra's Magic Show

All Libraries – Click here for dates and times

Blast off into Summer Reading with the magic of Bobby Cadabra. Prepare to be amazed and amused as Bobby radiates excitement into the crowd with his fun style, world-class energy, electrifying music, and interactive magic. Best fit for children ages 3 and up.


Calling All Earthlings Screening and Discussion

Sandston Library

Tuesday, June 18, 6:30 pm

In keeping with the theme of 2019 Summer Reading, A Universe of Stories, we present a screening of Calling All Earthlings! This documentary has it all: UFO contact, the government, and a time machine all meet up at the Integratron, a Joshua Tree desert mystery dome inspired by Tesla, free energy, conspiracy, and alien help. (2018, unrated, 76 min)


Tuckahoe Library

Saturday, June 29, 1:00 pm

Love reading, music, and characters? We will be kicking off Summer Reading with workshops, cosplay, vendors, crafts, and so much more throughout the library! Come celebrate the beginning of summer with us! There will be events for comic book lovers of all ages!

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