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 All HCPL locations are closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Borrowing Materials FAQs

Borrowing Library Materials
  • How do I get a library card?
    Options and requirements can be found on the Getting Started page.
  • How do I change my PIN number?

    Your PIN is like a "password" for your Library account. If you have forgotten your PIN, or you wish to change it, click My Account and then click “Forgot my PIN.” Follow the directions on that page. You may also call your local library for assistance.

  • What if I lose my library card?

    Report your lost card to the library immediately by calling one of the branches. The cardholder is responsible for any outstanding materials or fines attached to the lost card. To request a replacement card, go to the circulation desk and present the proper identification. The replacement fee is $1.

  • How do I renew books and other materials?

    Click the My Account link located in the top-right of the library website and log into your account. Click on "Checkouts" tab and then "Library Checkouts". From this tab, you can renew all or selected items. We now offer an optional service for text courtesy notices. Interested in receiving updates about your holds and overdue items via text? Talk to a Circulation staff member for details. (Data charges may apply.)

  • Where do I return the items I have borrowed?

    Library materials can be returned to any Henrico County Public Library. Outside book returns are available 24 hours a day at all libraries. Drive-through book returns and pick-up windows are available at Fairfield, Libbie Mill, Tuckahoe, Twin Hickory and Varina. Drive-up book returns are at Gayton, Glen Allen, and North Park. Interlibrary Loan Service materials must be returned in person to the branch where the request was made.

  • How much is the overdue charge for . . . ?

    See overdue fines for library materials. The fine for overdue interlibrary loan items is $1.00 per day.

  • How long can I check this out for?

    See loan periods for library materials.

Placing a Hold
  • How do I place a book on hold?
    Place a hold on a book or other library materials online in the catalog.
    • Search for an item.
    • From the Search Results page, find the item that you'd like to place on hold.
    • Click on the Place Hold button to the right of the title. If this button is not there, click the title of the item.
    • Enter your 14-digit library card number (typed without spaces between numbers) and PIN (Personal Identification Number). NOTE: You will have to do this step for the first item.
    • Choose the location under Pickup Library to select the library at which you would like to pick up your hold.
    • Fairfield, Libbie Mill, Tuckahoe, Twin Hickory, and Varina have drive-up windows open during normal library hours for hold pick up. Designate Drive-up as the pickup location when placing the hold.
    • Click on the Place Hold button.
  • Is there a limit on the number of holds I can place through the catalog?

    Yes. You may have up to 10 holds placed on titles in the catalog and/or showing available and ready for pickup. You can view your holds through Review My Account found under My Account.

  • How will I know when the hold is available for pickup?
    You will be notified by email or phone when the item is ready for pickup. Your item will be held for three Library business days. Call your library if you cannot make it within three days. You can see the status of your holds when you log in to the HCPL Catalog under My Account and choose Review My Account. Information about your holds shows under the Holds tab.
  • What if I want to borrow something that the library does not own?
    The library cannot purchase every item published. While you are welcome to recommend items for purchase, you also have the option of requesting an Interlibrary Loan. Whenever possible Henrico County Public Library will try to borrow items from another library system for our customers.

Do you have more questions?

Find more FAQs or use the "Ask a Librarian" tab on the right of any page.