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Loan Periods

Note: Library patrons may check out a maximum of fifty (50) items. Most books, paperbacks and audiobooks can be renewed for three (3) loan periods, if not on hold for another patron. Best sellers are not renewable. Some locations may limit the number of items because of collection availability.

Bestsellers 14 days 6 No
Books 28 days None Yes
CDs 28 days None Yes
DVDs 14 days None Yes
Hotspots 28 days 1 No
Paperbacks 28 days None Yes
Magazines 14 days 6 No
Nature Backpacks 14 days 2 No
Read-To-Me Kits 14 days 2 No
Book Club Sets 6 weeks 3 Call Library
Playaways 28 days None Yes
OverDrive eBooks/eAudiobooks choose between 7, 14, or 21 days 25 Yes
"Kill-a-Watt" digital power meters 14 days 1 No
Due Dates and Notices

Customers can check their accounts online or call the library to check on due dates as needed. Customers who have an email address associated with their library account will receive 14, 35 or 60 day overdue notices by email. Customers who do not have an email associated with their library account will receive an automated call notifying them of items 14 or 35 days overdue and a 60 day overdue notice will be sent by mail. Non-receipt of due date receipts or these courtesy overdue notices does not clear late fees. As of April 1, 2018, when an item has been overdue for 60 days, the customer is charged for the cost of the item and a $5.00 non-refundable processing fee and is barred from checking out any further materials until the account is settled. Processing fees billed before April 1, 2018 amount to $10.00. For unresolved accounts of $25.00 or more, an additional non-refundable $10 referral fee will be charged.

Replacements for Lost or Damaged Library Materials

We recognize that items are sometimes misplaced and accidents happen.

To pay for lost or damaged item/s, please contact any library location to find out the total amount owed. You can pay online or come in to any library location and pay by cash, check, money order, or debit card. Once you pay, the associated overdue fines for this item will be cancelled. Damaged items will be held for 90 days from the date notified. You will receive a letter or email regarding steps and deadlines for damaged items. Damaged items will remain checked out and are subject to late fees. A $10.00 referral fee will be charged if the amount exceeds $25.00 or more. You will receive a letter regarding the referral fee and overdue items.

Sometimes you may have the option of replacing the item/s with a new and exact replacement. This is not always possible because some books are out of print, are a certain edition, or have special bindings. Replacements are not accepted for accounts in barred or collections status.

All replacements must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be approved prior to purchase by a librarian to ensure that they can be accepted.
  • The ISBNs (International Standard Book Number) must match. The librarian can give you this number to make sure you obtain the exact replacement copy. Similar items cannot be accepted.
  • Must be a new item (not used). DVDs must be sealed and wrapped. Books purchased on the Internet are often used copies and cannot be accepted.

When you bring in your acceptable replacement, you will need to pay a $5.00 processing fee. The associated overdue fines for this item will be cancelled.

Fine Schedule

Fine-Free for Youth

Youth (JUV, YA, and Beginning Reader-labeled) items checked out from the library will not accrue late fines as part of the Youth Materials Fine-Free program. Please note that youth items not returned 35 days after the due date will be considered lost and will be billed a replacement fee and referral fees.

Bestsellers 10¢ $10.00
Books 10¢ $10.00
Book Club Sets $1.00 $10.00
Compact Discs 10¢ $10.00
DVDs 10¢ $10.00
Hotspots 10¢ $10.00
Paperbacks 10¢ $5.00
Playaways 10¢ $10.00
Magazines $2.00
Nature Backpacks 10¢ $10.00
Read-To-Me Kits 10¢ $10.00
eBooks and eAudiobooks* No charge No charge
"Kill-a-Watt" digital power meters 10¢ $10.00

Note: Fines accrue daily, except Sundays, County holidays, and any day that all HCPL locations are closed. *eBooks and eAudiobooks check in automatically at the end of their checkout periods.

Fee Schedule
Computer Printing-Black & White 10¢ per page All
Computer Printing-Color 50¢ per page All
Earbuds $2.00 All
Photocopying 10¢ per copy All
Microform Photocopying 10¢ per copy Tuckahoe

Note: Non-Resident Fee-Non-residents (excluding Richmond City, Chesterfield County and Pamunkey reciprocal borrowers) will be charged a $25.00 annual user fee.

Henrico Library Policies & Procedures Manual 4 Updated: 9/26/16