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 All HCPL locations are closed Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Customer Behavior Guidelines

Help keep your Henrico Library safe and enjoyable for all.
The following are prohibited on library premises:

  • Disruptive talking, noise, or any other disruptive or disorderly conduct
  • Use of cell phones or other electronic devices that disturb library customers
  • Violating library rules or policies (materials, computer use, etc.)
  • Cursing or abusive language or gestures
  • Physical, sexual, or verbal harassment of customers or staff
  • Eating food outside of designated areas
  • Sleeping
  • Littering
  • Smoking or the use of e-cigarettes in the building or near entryways or exits
  • Blocking aisles, sidewalks, entryways or exits
  • Bringing in oversized bags or items that may be a hazard or impede library use
  • Using skateboards or rollerblades
  • Offensive odor or bringing in items with a foul odor that disrupts others
  • Selling, soliciting, peddling, or panhandling
  • Circulating unauthorized petitions or surveys
  • Posting flyers or leaving printed materials not library-approved
  • Asking staff to page or find customers
  • Inappropriate attire including absence of shirt or shoes
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Misuse of restrooms (bathing, laundry, etc.)
  • Vandalism
  • Loitering or trespassing
  • Animals that are not designated service animals
  • Leaving children under the age of 10 or vulnerable adults unaccompanied or unsupervised by a parent, adult or responsible caregiver age 18 or older
  • Leaving items/personal property unattended
  • Using computers to access, display, send or receive obscenity, threats, or child pornography
  • Firearms, ammunition, or components (Henrico County Code Sec. 13-62)
  • Juveniles accessing materials harmful to minors
  • Any UNLAWFUL activity

The library reserves the right to require those who do not comply to leave the premises, or to restrict their library privileges. Unlawful activities will be reported to Law Enforcement.

Using Public Computers at the Library

Customers are prohibited from using computers to access, display, or send or receive any of the following materials: obscenity, threats, or child pornography.

Juveniles are also prohibited from accessing materials that are harmful to minors.

Violations of the law will be reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities.