By Jamie the Librarian on Thursday, 11 April 2024
Category: News & Events

Week of the Young Child

Happy Week of the Young Child! Founded by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), this annual event is a time to celebrate early learning, children, their teachers, and families. HCPL is a strong supporter of early learning and invites you to explore our resources. Read on for early learning tips you can try at home, as well as books, materials, and programs available at the library!

The American Library Association has an initiative called Every Child Ready to Read. The initiative identifies six simple practices that parents and caregivers can do daily with their children to get them ready for kindergarten. These practices include talking, reading, singing, playing, writing, and counting.


Children learn language by listening to others, so talking with adults is one way that children can develop skills for reading.


Reading to your child every day is another way to broaden their vocabulary, because the text in children’s books contains “rare words,” or words that are not usually heard in conversation.

There are many children’s books that support the practice of talking. Here are a few titles from our collection that encourage conversations between adults and their children:

Our 1000 Books before Kindergarten Challenge is another fun way to work toward early literacy goals and introduce the habit of reading. Thanks to The Friends of Henrico County Public Library, you can browse 100 different book kits, each with its own unique set of 10 books perfect for readers from birth to age five. 


Additionally, the library offers Storytimes and programs that incorporate other early learning practices like singing, counting, playing, and writing. Be sure to browse our Storytime calendar and Program & Events Calendar for early learning activities that you can participate in with your little one.

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