By Jamie the Librarian on Thursday, 11 May 2023
Category: News & Events

Starting a Meditation & Yoga Practice

Meditation and yoga are good for your body and mind! According to the Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, the benefits of meditation can include reduced stress, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure. It can also improve your self-awareness and tolerance for negative emotions and situations. Furthermore, you can combine meditation with yoga to help increase your strength and flexibility and foster mindfulness. Learn more about kick-starting your meditation and yoga practice with book recommendations and resources available at the library!

In addition to the recommended titles below, you can find more information about health and wellness through the library’s Research and Learning databases. Visit resources like Gale Health and Wellness to browse over 300 topics including pediatric health, mental health, drug facts, and more, or browse beginner yoga and meditation courses through Universal Class. You can also try a variety of yoga workouts at home through Hoopla, a media-streaming platform available through the library!

Here are some additional titles that highlight adaptive yoga practices:

Plus, be sure to check out upcoming programs that coincide with Mental Health Awareness Month:

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