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Library News

2023 Summer Reading Wrap Up

That’s a wrap on our Summer Reading Challenge! Thank you to everyone who participated and joined us as we celebrated kindness, friendship, and unity. It is incredible to see what we can achieve together. Read on to learn more about your collective accomplishments!

Laughing Together: Funny Titles for Kids

Laughter is a wonderful way to bring people together, and scientific studies have shown that it can even help improve your overall health by improving circulation and reducing stress. Reading funny books is a great way to connect with your little one(s) and add a dose of laughter to your day. Read on for some recommended funny reads for kids from our collection to get laughing – it's good for you!

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Read on for upcoming programs, book discussions, and recommendations – we hope to see you at the library to learn more about Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage with us!

Blast from the Past Book Club with Henrico Recreation & Parks

The Henrico Department of Recreation and Parks manages historic resources in Henrico, including archives, roadside markers and building plaques, and a group of historic sites and museums. This August, we invite you to explore literature and local history with us as we launch our Blast from the Past Book Club with Henrico Recreation and Parks. In this group, you can discuss engaging historical fiction and nonfiction at fascinating historic sites with expert staff.  Read on to learn more about the program and upcoming discussions.

Supporting Students and Virtual Learning

HCPL has coordinated with our public schools to support students and their families during the virtual start to the school year. We have pledged to provide educational support to our young people and their families. Through our collaboration with Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS), we have expanded opportunities for ebook access for students, are promoting our new digital cards, and have lots of spaces, including reservable meeting and study rooms, at our many open library locations for educational activities. Read on to learn more about how libraries can help you make the most of virtual learning this school year.

HCPL Tour Series # 4: Gayton

The Gayton Branch Library became Henrico’s westernmost location when it opened its doors on November 30, 1988. In 2005, Henrico voters approved a bond referendum which included a comprehensive interior renovation of the library. In June of 2012, a newly renovated Gayton reopened with quite the memorable celebration: it was the same day a Derecho storm front caused widespread power outages throughout the area – including at the library! Since reopening, Gayton has remained a busy neighborhood library with a loyal community of patrons. Read on to learn more about why we love Gayton!

Connecting Cultures & Building Community Through Food

Food is a common thread that unites humanity. Beyond sustenance, food teaches us about identity, history, community, and culture. When we share our food, we share our roots. In the words of renowned American chef James Beard, “Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” And, as culinary historian Michael Twitty wrote, “...your plate is your flag.” While our foodways may vary, the experience of gathering around food is one to which we can all relate. Read on to explore titles that nourish the mind, body, and soul and teach us about food: its history, its many forms, and most importantly, its ability to connect us all.

July is Graphic Novels in Libraries Month

July is Graphic Novels in Libraries Month, and while popular favorites like Batman, Superman, and other Marvel and DC comics come to mind, the library offers even more to explore. Search thousands of titles in our catalog or in our Hoopla collection. Whether you’re a visual person, want to broaden your reading horizons, or just need a break from pages and pages of type, we recommend giving a graphic novel a try.  Many reluctant readers have found their love of books through graphic novels.   You may be surprised by what you discover!

Connecting Communities with Quilts

Quilting bees, stitch-ins, and sewing circles have long been community gatherings. In the spirit of our “All Together Now” Summer Reading challenge, join us to explore quilting and other textile arts this summer. Events include collaborative art installations at several locations, a documentary screening, presentations from area quilters, and a lecture on Virginia Quilt Trails.  Read on for more information about how you can connect with your community through quilting at the library this summer, and for book recommendations related to quilting and textiles.